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Sunday 21 May 2023

Luxuries of Roman emperors

The Roman emperors, especially those during the height of the Roman Empire, enjoyed a wide range of luxuries and extravagant lifestyles. Here are some of the luxuries commonly associated with Roman emperors:

  1. Lavish Palaces: Roman emperors resided in opulent palaces that were adorned with grand architecture, elaborate frescoes, and ornate furnishings. The most famous of these palaces was the Domus Aurea (Golden House) of Emperor Nero, which was renowned for its lavishness and excessive decoration.

  2. Exotic Animals: Emperors often kept private menageries filled with exotic animals brought from various parts of the empire. These collections included lions, tigers, elephants, giraffes, and other rare species. These animals were used for entertainment purposes, such as gladiatorial games and spectacles in the amphitheaters.

  3. Extravagant Banquets: Roman emperors were known for their extravagant banquets, or "feasts of excess." These feasts featured an abundance of food and drink, with delicacies imported from all corners of the empire. Emperors would recline on luxurious couches while being served by a large retinue of servants.

  4. Personal Staff: Roman emperors had a vast entourage of servants and attendants to cater to their every need. This included chamberlains, secretaries, cooks, wine stewards, bodyguards, and personal physicians. They were responsible for ensuring the emperor's comfort and well-being.

  5. Luxury Clothing and Jewelry: Emperors adorned themselves with luxurious clothing made from expensive fabrics such as silk and adorned with precious gems and gold embroidery. They wore intricate jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces, and crowns, often encrusted with gemstones.

  6. Lavish Baths: The Romans were renowned for their elaborate bathhouses, and emperors had private bath complexes within their palaces. These baths featured heated pools, saunas, steam rooms, and various amenities for relaxation and indulgence.

  7. Entertainment: Emperors enjoyed a wide range of entertainment activities. They attended gladiatorial games, chariot races, and theatrical performances in grand amphitheaters and theaters. They also had access to private musicians, dancers, and performers who entertained them within their palaces.

  8. Lavish Gardens: Emperors often had expansive and ornate gardens within their palaces. These gardens were meticulously designed and included fountains, statues, exotic plants, and lush greenery. The most famous of these gardens was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

It's important to note that not all Roman emperors indulged in these luxuries to the same extent, and the extravagance of their lifestyles varied throughout history. Additionally, the opulent lifestyle of the emperors contrasted sharply with the living conditions of the general population in ancient Rome.

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