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Wednesday 24 May 2023

Roman war dogs

 Roman war dogs, or canes bellatores in Latin, were trained dogs used in military campaigns by the ancient Roman army. These dogs were typically large and fierce breeds such as mastiffs, molossus, and greyhounds. They were trained to fight as well as perform tasks such as guarding the camp, tracking enemies, and carrying messages.

The Roman army used war dogs for centuries, beginning as early as the 4th century BCE during the Samnite Wars. War dogs were also used extensively during the Punic Wars against Carthage and in later campaigns.

The dogs were trained by specialized handlers known as corymbiferi, who trained the dogs in combat techniques and obedience. They were often issued ornate armor and collars with spikes to protect them in battle. The war dogs were also deployed in organized formations and used to attack enemy formations, causing panic and confusion among the enemy troops.

Roman war dogs were so fearsome that their mere presence on the battlefield was often enough to intimidate the enemy. Their use in battle continued until the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century CE.

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